Our world population is over 8 billion. And while it may be hard to grasp, over 1/3 of the people in the world remain without any genuine access to the gospel. In some cases, no church, no Bible and no believers. Jesus has SENT us, His people to GO and make disciples of all nations. So we GO, locally, as ambassadors for Christ (2Corinthians 5:20) bringing the gospel to our own personal relationships. And we GO by sending long-term missionary partners, including ones from our own church, to plant and strengthen churches and to develop leaders in far away places. We GO by partnering with trusted mission agencies. We GO by prayer knowing that God is the one who ultimately saves. Come GO with us.

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World Missions Resources

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One People Reached

Project: One People Reached is an additional partnership of SCC with East West Ministries and local Christians in South Asia to make disciples and plant churches in a Unreached People Group where Christ is not yet known. Our five year commitment involves sending resources and teams to support the local believers in their ongoing work of sharing the gospel and establishing healthy churches.