What is Partners one to one? - It’s intentional disciple-making on a personal level.
Partners 1on1 is a discipleship program designed to get you personally connected on a weekly basis with a mature and growing Christian to help you understand and apply ten Biblical themes that are critically important in the Christian life.
Why we do Partners?
We do Partners because our purpose at SCC is to make disciples. . . healthy, fruitful disciples who know and love Jesus and grow into spiritual maturity and multiplication.
How does it work?
It’s modeled on how Jesus invested personally in His disciples. Similarly with the Apostle Paul who spent focused time on people like Timothy, Titus, and Silas.
Our key verse is 2 Timothy 2:2
“And the things you have heard from me in the presence of many witness, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
Each chapter in the Partners Workbook becomes the basis for your weekly meetings with your chosen or assigned partner (men with men; women with women) who has already been through the program. The chapters will direct you to study portions of the Bible that relate to that week’s topic and to answer specific questions about the implications and application of those verses. Then, when meeting with your partner, you’ll discuss the truths you have studied, and seek to sharpen your understanding and grow in your devotion to Jesus Christ.
And it’s life changing!
After the experience of being led through the Partners Workbook, even more growth happens if/when you let God use you to guide someone else through the same material. We have training to help in that process.
So, if you’re ready for a next step in spiritual growth, click the link and we’ll get in touch to tell you more about it.