SDI's classes are organized under the following categories:

  • Bible and theology courses increase knowledge and understanding of the biblical text and serve to form deep theological roots and convictions. Some examples would be Bible Study Methods, Christian Theology, and New Testament Survey.

    Bible Study Methods 1 | Bible Study Methods trains believers to competently use principles and methods of biblical interpretation for the exegesis of Scripture, including how to analyze grammar, how to bridge historical, cultural, and literary contexts, conduct word-studies, and discover meaning and application.

    Bible Study Methods 2 | As Bible Study Methods 1 is an introduction to the process of Bible interpretation using practical methods and tools, in Bible Study Methods 2 you will hone and apply these skills by studying the Old and New Testaments according to their literary types. *REQUIRES BIBLE STUDY METHODS 1

    The Bible’s Grand Story (Introduction to Biblical Theology | Biblical Theology studies the Bible’s meaning and message as it unfolds historically according to God’s redemptive plan. This theological approach to understanding the Scriptures emphasizes how the Bible is a unified story with a central theme.

    Core Christian Doctrine 1 | Core Christian Doctrine is a study in systematic theology, with the first section covering the doctrines of God, the Bible, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Angels.

    Core Christian Doctrine 2 | Core Christian Doctrine is a study in systematic theology to establish you in the core doctrines of the Christian faith. This second section covers the Bible’s teaching on Man, Sin, Salvation, the Church, and End Times.

    Doctrines of Grace | The Doctrines of Grace are foundational biblical truths displaying God’s sovereignty over our salvation to the praise of his glorious name.

    Old Testament Survey: The Law | Old Testament Survey of the Law examines the literary structure, major themes and events, historical backgrounds, and other important features of Genesis – Deuteronomy to enhance comprehension, apply these books to contemporary issues and concerns, and help aid believers in their own personal study.

    Old Testament Survey: Historical Books | The historical books of the Old Testament record God’s faithfulness to bring his people into the Promised Land (Joshua) through their return to the Land out of exile (Ezra-Nehemiah). By surveying the contents and historical backgrounds of these books, you will learn their purpose and message.

    New Testament Survey | [Description TBD]

    Text & Canon | {Description TBD]

    Church History | {Description TBD]

    Apologetics | {Description TBD]

  • Growth and life courses ground believers in the basics of Christian living, equipping them to practice the truths of Scripture in their daily lives. Some examples include Life Together and Spiritual Disciplines.

    Discover SCC | Discover SCC is designed to explain SCC’s history, vision, values and convictions while introducing newcomers to some of the church’s leaders and ministries in a comfortable and relaxed setting. This course serves as the church’s membership class and is required for formal membership at SCC.

    Life at SCC | Life at SCC gives believers a biblical view of the church community and how each person should stive to function within that community. With that biblical view as the foundation the goal is to help people discover their ministry gifts and further engage in ministry both within and outside of the church.

    Spiritual Disciplines | A class that teaches the importance and vitality of practicing the spiritual disciplines in Christian living. Much more than just something we do, the spiritual disciplines are the ways we grow into the stature of the fullness of Christ as they fashion our private and public response to the Person of God.

    Speaking of Jesus | This basic course on how to talk about Jesus and the gospel covers the biblical foundations of evangelism, the four core elements of the gospel, and how we think about unsaved people. There is practical emphasis on praying strategically, sharing your story of coming to know Christ, giving a simple gospel explanation, and graciously turning every-day conversations into spiritual conversations.

    Strengthening Your Marriage | Explores God’s design and purposes for marriage and offers biblical wisdom for helping yours grow and flourish.

    Christian Stewardship | [Description TBD]

  • Ministry and leadership courses form biblical convictions about crucial matters related to church ministry and leadership, such as Biblical Counseling and Shepherding the Flock.

    Christian Leadership | This cohort-based class will explore the nature of Christian leadership, especially in the Church, including its defining characteristics, assessment, and development.

    Xplore Missions | Xplore Missions covers God’s great global purpose in history, the Biblical basis for missions, and the current state of world evangelization, world religions and unreached people groups. You will learn how we can all participate in missions whatever our location or vocation.

    Basics of Biblical Counseling | This class introduces the basic concepts of biblical counseling – what it is, why we need it, who does it, and how it works. It will cover theological truths foundational to counseling, the biblical process of change, and key elements of the counseling process.

    Expository Preaching | [Description TBD]

    Resolving Conflict | [Description TBD]

    Church Eldership | [Description TBD]

For current course click here.

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