Philippians Resource Center

You can’t understand the epistle to the Philippians well without knowing that Paul is incarcerated in Rome when he wrote it. Paul visited Philippi during his second missionary journey (about 49-50 AD). He started a church there and was promptly tossed into prison with his ministry partner, Silas. Paul’s brief imprisonment in Philippi is one of my favorite accounts in the NT (Philippians 16:19-34).

Fast forward 12 or 13 years (about 62 AD). While in an apartment in Rome under house-arrest, Paul receives a financial gift from the believers in Philippi. He must have been floored! Not just because of the gift but that these christians remembered him after so long. We will soon see that most did not remember the apostle during his time of need which makes the gift that much more special. It seems most likely then that the letter was written at about - 62 AD.


Fred Williams

Pastor - Snohomish Community Church

Encouragement During Unstable Times

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