Mexico Caravan Ministries - Summer 2014

I attended the Mexico Caravan Missions trip in June of 2014 with my two oldest daughters, Maggie and Joey. I thought this would be a great way for us all to learn the importance of missions and extending a helping hand to those in need, and also hoped it would be useful in building a good work ethic in the kids. It not only met both of those  hopes, but went way beyond as God had much more in store for us.

On the trip, whenever you weren’t working on houses, sleeping or eating, you were hearing  the Bible preached by inspiring people, spending time in personal devotion with God, and worshiping or spending time in fellowship with other believers.

These times, coupled with  the time spent building houses, grew such a closeness to God that they have inspired us to regularly share the gospel back home and make our home a truly Christ-centered home. A home where our focus is living with Christ not just as the stated priority, but as the one who really guides how we live and spend our time. This has flowed down to our 5 kids and is bearing fruit in all areas of our lives and relationships.

The emphasis at Caravan Missions-spreading the Gospel as we are clearly commanded to do in scripture, is so clearly  preached that you cannot walk away without a long lasting desire to truly fulfill the Great Commission. It has turned our family into life-long disciple makers!
- Jeff Vale

(More information about Mexico Caravan Ministries.)