Local Outreach Stories

Snohomish City Cleanup 2017

We had a great time partnering with other churches in helping the city of Snohomish with cleanup and improvement projects. 

Big Closet Cleanout (Summer 2016)

The Big Closet Cleanout was a simple way to help other's lives by de-cluttering ours.  And boy did SCC de-clutter!  5,000 lbs of soft goods, 3,000 lbs of hard-side goods. All of it donated to Value Village, and we'll get a check from them. The money will go to build simple house structures for some special needs orphans in Uganda. 

Charles and Bridget Ulibarri are Action International Missionaries there and are gathering money to help build the houses. Thanks, SCC folks, for taking a step of simplifying our overly-cluttered closets full of things we don't need, and turning them into housing for some kids and their care-takers who have very little.

Fill the backpacks (Summer 2016)

SCC collected school supplies and filled backpacks with them to help low income students in our area start the school year equipped with the tools they need. This is a practical way we can show the love of Jesus with our community - huge thanks to those who participated!

Lake Stevens Summer 2016 Outreaches

During Summer 2016, SCC Lake Stevens had the opportunity to be involved in our community through a few different events. There was a good group of us who helped with the tear down of Aquafest. Once the event is done, there are a lot of things that need to be taken down, packed up and stored away in the Aquafest storage unit. For a second year our congregation responded by helping the organizers with is task. We were able to shorten up the window of time and be a blessing to that team of volunteers that put on this eve for our town. 

The following week was National Night Out, which we participate in by having a booth.  We were able to have a drawing that allowed several local children the opportunity to attend a basketball camp that we sponsored together with Run to Win (runtowin.org) at Highland Elementary school. 33 children attended this event which was our third year.

Snohomish City Cleanup (Spring 2016)

“March 19, 2016 was a fantastic day for the Snohomish City Cleanup Day. SCC coordinated eight churches and some community groups to show practical, hands-on love to our community by joining the unified effort to pull weeds, spread bark, and clean up garbage as Spring arrives . Over 300 SCC volunteers and over 450 total volunteers were out for the day. Some great folks from the city and schools joined in as well. There were 19 City projects and nine Snohomish schools where teams served. It’s about shining the light of Christ through practical, hands-on action. (Matthew 5:16)