The Drama Team ministers to SCC and the community through Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Christmas Plays. All shows are cast first, and then roles are uniquely written for each show. It really does take a village to put on a production, so consider the various creative opportunities available within the drama ministry!

"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Christmas Drama

Calling all Christmas show auditioneers! Every year we host an incredible Christmas show to share the good news of the Jesus’ birth and this year is no exception. In order to get ready for Christmas, the drama team starts now! Auditions are in the worship center. Fill out an online form today!



Actors primarily engage in two large scale productions: Christmas Dessert Theater and Vacation Bible school. At SCC we have a unique opportunity to perform original material, and scripts are written after the shows are cast. Casting for VBS takes place post Easter and casting for the Christmas show takes place post VBS.

Stage Manager

The Stage Manager assists the director and is responsible for directing cues during the show. Training is provided.

Line Prompter

Line Prompters assist actors in memorizing their lines by following the script during rehearsal and giving line cues as needed. Training is provided.

Prop Assistant

Prop assistants are tasked with finding, shopping for, organizing and keeping track of all the hand props used during performances. This is a fun ministry if you are crafty and/or like to thrift shop.

Set Builder

This team helps with stage sets, painting, building, and stage décor.


This position assists in the organizing of costumes for the shows. Sewing skills are handy, but not necessary.

Floor Coordinator

The Floor Coordinator is responsible for the lobby décor, tables, and kitchen assistance during shows. Training is provided.

Production Team (Audio, Media, Lights)

The Production Team attends tech rehearsals (usually week of the show) and all performances. Positions are as follows:

  • Front of House Engineer (runs audio console)

  • Audio assistant (helps with actors mics & troubleshooting)

  • Media (runs Propresenter for visual and audio cues)

  • Lighting (lighting cues)

Training assistance is provided for all positions.


Drama ministry can always use support in all areas, in other words, there is no service too small!