Saturday June 20, 11am-2pm

Dads, bring your kids and join us for a fun time of frisbee golf and lunch.

We’ve set it up so that groups of 5 can play as a team every 15 minutes, so it’s important to register! You don’t have to register 5 people at once, you can register just yourself - but be sure to register.

Please be sure to read the section below for ‘What to Expect’ and hopefully we’ll have answered any questions you may have.

The event is free, so mark your calendar. We hope to see you there!

Web Discs and Dogs for Dads.jpg

What you can expect


  • All volunteers and food servers will be wearing gloves and masks

  • We encourage you to wear masks as well

  • In order to maintain social distancing, we are limiting the number of players to 5 at a time

  • We are also having guys reserve playing times 15 minutes apart, again to ensure social distancing


  • There will be stations serving food spread out across the sport court

  • There will be no self-serve

  • Dogs will be placed in buns and wrapped in foil by gloved volunteers

  • Chips, beverages, and condiments will all be available and distributed to you as requested


  • Registration is open!

  • One person can register for up to four others, as in the case of a team (be sure they know so there is not double registration)

  • Dad’s be sure to sign up for your kids

  • You will have the option to select a ‘tee time’

What do I need to bring?

  • Just yourself and any kiddos that plan to join you

  • Frisbees will be provided for each player to play with and take home!

  • Please consider a mask to keep yourself and others safe

Still have questions? Email McLean here.