Current Offerings
Registration for Fall Courses opens August 4th!
Courses Beginning in September.
SDI's classes are organized under the following categories:
Life At SCC offers a biblical view of the church community and how each person should strive to function within that community. From worship to service, this course explores community engagement, both within and outside of the church, and naturally follows our membership class.
Date: Sunday | 8:15 - 11:00am | November 3
Location: Student Center
Instructors: Keith Loeber and Brian Smith
Materials: Provided by Instructor
This is a basic course on how to talk about Jesus and the gospel, the best news we and our friends will ever hear. We’ll talk about developing a Biblical mindset, attitudes and heart for unsaved people. And we’ll focus in on knowing and explaining the four core elements of the gospel in simple, natural and practical ways through everyday conversations.
Dates: Tuesdays | 6:30 - 8:00pm | September 24 - October 29 (6 sessions)
Location: Family Center
Instructors: Gordon Everett
Materials: Speaking of Jesus | Mack Stiles
A biblical study of God’s character, basic doctrine, and the human heart. To be conformed to the image of Christ involves conforming our thoughts, emotions, and desires to Christ’s. This class will show how God’s character and work should shape every moment of our lives and how change is possible and promised through the gospel.
*Attendance and reading are core components of this class. Please check the dates below and ensure that you can attend at least 7 out of the 8 class sessions before registering for this class. Also please commit to completing all the reading as it is assigned throughout the course.
Dates: Selected Mondays | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. | September 23 – December 16 (8 sessions over 13 weeks: 9/23, 9/30, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/16.)
Location: Family Center
Instructor: Wendy Wood
Materials: Trusting God | Jerry Bridges
With All Your Heart | Craig Troxel
Do You Believe? | Paul Tripp
Faith and Feelings | Brian Borgman
(Please purchase these materials through the church)
Come learn how to study and understand the Bible with some practical methods and tools. Bible Study Methods will introduce you to hermeneutics (the process of Bible interpretation), deepen your walk with God, and equip anyone who teaches classes or Bible studies.
Dates: Mondays | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. | September 23 – November 25 (8 sessions over 10 weeks)
Location: Family Center
Instructor: Keith Loeber
Materials: Grasping God's Word, Fourth Edition | J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays
Core Christian Doctrine 1 is a study in systematic theology, with the first section covering the doctrines of God, the Bible, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Angels.
Dates: Tuesdays | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. | September 24 – October 29 (6 Sessions)
Location: Family Center
Instructor: Glen Ness
Materials: Essential Christian Doctrine | John MacArthur, Gen. Ed.
This class introduces the basic concepts of biblical counseling – what it is, why we need it, who does it, and how it works. It will cover theological truths foundational to counseling, the biblical process of change, and key elements of the counseling process.
Dates: Tuesdays | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. | October 1 – November 5 (6 Sessions)
Location: Family Center
Instructor: Jim Low
Materials: Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands | Paul D. Tripp